Other than the paint, art support and brushes we will need a selection of other materials to start a painting.
Easels are designed to hold the canvas in place while painting. They have a system for adjusting the height and accommodate paintings of various size. The most important criterion is its rigidity, so the canvas will not move as we paint. There are lightweight and portable easels designed for outdoor painting, studio easels which are heavy and very stable are intended for larger paintings, tabletop easels are ideal for small works and display.
Any smooth, non-absorbent surface on which the paint can be laid, mixed and worked before applying to the canvas acts as a palette. They are generally made of wood or plastic. Tear-off paper palettes eliminate the necessity of cleaning and maintaining. They are available in various size and shapes to suit different requirements.
Palette cups
Small containers that can hold mediums and solvent would be a handy tool to hold liquids ready at hand.
Pencils and Eraser, a jar for holding brushes, Masking tape and crafting knives, Rags and absorbent paper, scissors, newspaper, and sponges are other accessories that we may have to keep ready.